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The right place for cash flow advice, insights and motivation

ThinkOut, 250.000 investment through the angel investors network in Romania-image


ThinkOut, 250.000 investment through the angel investors network in Romania

We are proud to announce that we recently concluded a new investment round.

June 18, 2021

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What happens in the accelerator, doesn’t stay in the accelerator-image


What happens in the accelerator, doesn’t stay in the accelerator

We had a first-hand experience with what happens in a startup accelerator in Budapest, Hungary.

June 06, 2018

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Ready for the MKB Fintechlab Demo Day-image

Entrepreneurship, News

Ready for the MKB Fintechlab Demo Day

Here’s the ThinkOut story on short, as an introduction to the demo day pitch.

May 07, 2018

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Step on the accelerator!-image


Step on the accelerator!

What does the startup life look like from this fast-moving vehicle that is an acceleration program, hundreds of miles away from home?

March 15, 2018

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One year of ThinkOut many more to come-image


One year of ThinkOut many more to come

One year flew in a wink. So what can we make of this first year of ThinkOut?

March 31, 2017

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What Campus Warsaw taught us-image


What Campus Warsaw taught us

For 5 days our team was truly immersed in the Google-inspired atmosphere alongside 8 other startups from the CEE.

December 05, 2016

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The startup beat as felt by a Startup Weekend facilitator-image

Entrepreneurship, News

The startup beat as felt by a Startup Weekend facilitator

An interview with Galin Zhelyazkov, international facilitator for the Startup Weekend events.

November 18, 2016

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The How to Web 2016 experience-image


The How to Web 2016 experience

Cristi, Adrian, and Irina are sharing some of the insights they brought along from How to Web Conference.

November 04, 2016

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On Air. Getting Grounded-image


On Air. Getting Grounded

ThinkOut is on air. Online, to be more exact. In other words, we launched our cash flow management platform.

August 26, 2016

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